Hello! Hello! Hello! Welcome to my second attempt at blogging about my Warhammer 40k hobby, and the home of the Midnight Dragons! Here you will find all sorts of posts relating to my progress in building, painting, and crafting the background story of my custom Space Marine chapter.
As I mentioned, this is actually my second foray into Warhammer 40k and blogging. I first attempted this way wayyy back in 2009/2010 when I was still an active duty Marine, and I simply did not have the patience for building and painting that I do now. I was young and hot blooded, more interested in list building and rolling dice than forging a narrative. Now I'm older, more mature, and arguably much more patient. And much more disciplined, which I learned is an important characteristic to have when dealing with plastic crack. However, I digress, let's get back to the point. What is this blog really?
If you were to boil it down to its essence, I would say this is pretty much a living Index Astartes for my fan made chapter; the Midnight Dragons. It will contain posts about the chapter's fluff, but more importantly, document my building of it. Each and every Marine that gets painted will be named, and some may even be blessed with some sort of back story. It's going to be a rather ambitious undertaking, as I build my way up from a humble three tac squad beginnings to (hopefully) a fully functional chapter over the years (so long as I don't lose interest). There will probably be other non-IA posts littered in from time to time, but for the most part, I plan on staying focused on my chapter.
Thanks for stopping by. Stick around, there's more to come. :)
As I mentioned, this is actually my second foray into Warhammer 40k and blogging. I first attempted this way wayyy back in 2009/2010 when I was still an active duty Marine, and I simply did not have the patience for building and painting that I do now. I was young and hot blooded, more interested in list building and rolling dice than forging a narrative. Now I'm older, more mature, and arguably much more patient. And much more disciplined, which I learned is an important characteristic to have when dealing with plastic crack. However, I digress, let's get back to the point. What is this blog really?
If you were to boil it down to its essence, I would say this is pretty much a living Index Astartes for my fan made chapter; the Midnight Dragons. It will contain posts about the chapter's fluff, but more importantly, document my building of it. Each and every Marine that gets painted will be named, and some may even be blessed with some sort of back story. It's going to be a rather ambitious undertaking, as I build my way up from a humble three tac squad beginnings to (hopefully) a fully functional chapter over the years (so long as I don't lose interest). There will probably be other non-IA posts littered in from time to time, but for the most part, I plan on staying focused on my chapter.
Thanks for stopping by. Stick around, there's more to come. :)
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