Well, I finally got a game in. Well, technically two, but only one reaaally counts... The first involved me getting wiped pretty easily because my opponent (we were playing with 8th edition house rules) thought the multiple wounds a lascannon generated were attributed to the entire squad shot at rather than a single model. Ooooops! That was only a quick 1000pt game, and frankly, it's all fun and games.
Game two, my flatmate joined me with his Space Wolves and we played a 2v2 at 2000pts against the local GW Manager and another player in the store. Another small pickup game for learning to play, albeit with 8th edition house rules again.
Turn One |
I brought my 1000pt list again consisting of 3x Tac Squads with 2x
Flamers each, and 2x Assault Squads also with 2x Flamers each, a 5 man
Assault Scout Squad, and a Chaplain. We only got 4 turns into the game
before we called it for time so the manager could close up shop, but it
was some fun stuff. Freaking Centurion Devestators are god damned deadly
with heavy bolters! That alone pretty much wiped most of my flatmate's
army from the table. My army, however, failed much better. I only lost
one Tac Squad and my Chaplain (as well ass half another Tac, half an
Assault Squad, and half my Scouts). Surprisingly, two of my scouts
survived turn after turn after turn where they should have died!
Turn Three |
All said and done, it was a fun game. One big take away, while 8th edition may seem very shooting friendly, the BS modifiers to hit from cover really do a good job in nerfing shooting a good bit. Light cover having a neg-1 modifier to ballistic skill makes a world of difference. I'm feeling pretty confident that 8th edition will be well balanced out of the gate, and I really can't wait for a more streamlined and quicker to play game!
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