We Need Heavy Support!

If my two games last weekend taught me anything, Centurians are pretty wicked. Dave, the local GW store manager, was fielding a squad of five of these suckers in our second game, and they wrecked face. Hard. Sooooooooooo, I of course impulse buy a squad. Models look dope. The amount of fire power they pack is dope. And, of course, I needed a fieldable unit that can put down some heavy weapons fire.

I'm making some good progress on painting these guys. On a whim I decided to give the sergeant a veteran white stripe. Thought it would be cool. Still a work in progress, but I'm pretty happy with how they're coming out so far.

Additionally, I have two full 10-man squads of Devastators assembled, and one of them fully (minus some details) painted. Yes, I know, a Dev Squad can't field 9x heavy weapons. Totally not my intent. I plan on rotating some of the heavy weapons into my Tac Squads on a needs basis.

As for painting, I'm very happy with how these guys came out. My painting is getting better, and my hands steadier. Only thing stopping me from doing a better paint job is my lack of patience. I just want basic table top quality. Also, yes, I gave the sergeant a red power fist, very similar to the Crimson Fists. I just thought it would be a cool way to have him stand out more.

As always, thanks for stopping by. Cheers!
